
Energy Audits

We Offer Energy Audits to Educate Customers.

An energy audit is conducted to locate and find areas of heat and air loss in your home using in depth analysis with tools such as a blower door, infrared imaging, and combustion analysis. An energy auditor will use these to help locate causes of air loss and come up with solutions to solve the problem. Through efficiency Maine a homeowner can get a $500-$600 rebate on an audit.

The blower door test

The blower door test is a diagnostic tool used to measure the airtightness of a structure.

A powerful fan is mounted in a temporary airtight frame of an exterior door. During a depressurization test, the fan pulls air out of the house, lowering the interior pressure and pulling air in from the outside through unsealed cracks and openings.

A pressure gauge measures the amount of air pulled out of the house by the fan and coming in through unsealed cracks and openings.

Proper air sealing

Proper air sealing help eliminates the “stack effect”. It is essential that air sealing occurs in the attic AND the basement.

Results of the test

Results of the test can determine if there are unsealed cracks and openings in the house’s shell that should be sealed. Infrared cameras are used to locate every leak which can then be amended.

Properly sealing a house will increase comfort, reduce energy costs, and improve indoor air quality.

For best results in savings energy audits should be done in tandem with adding insulation!

Damp, moldy, musty basement?


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